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On Trust

I don’t have any answers to what creates trust and what doesn’t. That’s why I’m making this episode, to ask these questions that I think are really important. I think I know two things tho.

→ Taking responsibility creates trust

Standing up and taking responsibility creates trust in you from other people. Jocko Willink and Leif Babin highlight this in their book “Extreme Ownership”, and it’s been my personal experience.

I think this is because when someone sticks their hand up the people around them trust that they won’t try to brush mistakes and misshaps under a rug. They’ll try to fix them, and that’s all we ask.

→ Saying “I don’t know” creates trust

I’m a huge believer in being humble and honest, and this is part of that belief. I constantly try to remind myself to say I don’t know when I don’t. I think that, very similarly to taking responsibility, gives people around me assurance that I’m not putting up a facade or being something that I’m not.

→ Being wrong while being confident loses trust

This is something I want to come back to in the future because I think it’s a huge problem. When someone is confident in something and then proven wrong, the people around don’t know what’s real and what isn’t.

I’ve seen signs of a culture where being confident is quite toxic, especially whilst we have the high degrees of uncertainty that we do. Covid, AI and the economy are a few highly volatile areas where people seem to have been and keep being very confident only to be at risk of being wrong. And by then I think people should loose trust in the over confident person.

Those are the highlights of this episode. As I said, more questions than answers here, and I’d love your input on the topic of Trust!

<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark_gray.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark_gray.svg" width="40px" /> *Oh, and the whole thing is edited with Descript to be able to have the subtitles. It also spares you of all my uhms and ahs, which is the reason to why it jumps every now and then.

Oh #2, This time I forgot to turn my mic on, resulting in a recording with the regular computer mics. They’re decent, but not really on par, so I’m thinking I’ll turn my mic on next time!*


Here’s the video on Youtube:


Links to stuff


Here’s a summary of the whole episode, made by ChatGPT.