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Apple podcasts

On Change – pt. 3

You really don’t need to change the world. I never touch on that in this episode, but I don’t by any means think this is for everyone. It shouldn’t be.

Changing the world is, as far as I’m concerned, hard as shit. Going from Zero to One takes hard work, creativity and a lot of grit. If those things make you happy, try. If not, keep doing what you’re doing. I know I am.

→ Do something radical

In order to change the world with an idea, I think Peter Thiel was right in saying that there has to be a Zero to One event. There has to be a before and after. Just as we have before and after smartphones, penicillin or the railway.

Going from zero to one means inventing something radically new. There wasn’t, and now there is.

The implications of doing that, and something I’ve seen because of Thiel, is that by going from zero to one, you won’t have any competition. There will be no alternatives, no one else that customers can turn to and no one else that can take market share.

If you’ve truly gone from zero to one, you have a complete monopoly because you invented the board that you’re playing on. But you won’t change the world solely by creating something amazing – people need to know about it as well.

→ Get attention

In order to change the world, you need the attention of other people. It’s inevitable since you’re ultimately trying to change the world for them.

Steve Jobs could’ve invented the iPhone as a hobby project in his garage, just to have the coolest gadget. If the newspapers had decided not to cover Greta Thunberg protesting, we’d have a very different view on her and on activism.

You need to ship, show up for a lot of people, and ultimately grab their attention.

I hope you enjoy the episode, and the mini-series.

<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark_gray.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Oh, and the whole thing is edited with Descript to be able to have the subtitles. It also spares you of all my uhms and ahs, which is the reason to why it jumps every now and then.


Here’s the video on Youtube:


Links to stuff

Zero to One